

I tried to make a joke about Hercules
but I couldn’t. I realized it was coming
from a bad place. I am jealous of
Hercules. I am jealous of all his friends.
I am jealous of everything he did. And
mostly I am jealous of the fact that
nobody ever forgets. Anything.
Everyone remembers Hercules.
They think he’s great. They say
labors. OH WOW. And I have labors
too. I Mean I think of them as labors.
But not twelve. More like twelve million.
And I just keep doing them. 13 million.
I’m not proud of them. And I wish everybody
would forget all my labors I do but nobody
ever forgets any of them either. I am jealous
of their memory. I am jealous of their strength.
I get angry when they say Do you remember
the time.They are like Hercules. Everyone thinks
they’re so great and I’m not like they’ve never made
a mistake and they are all powerful. Watch them take
off their shirts. Watch Hercules take off his shirt. Watch
everybody laugh while I take off my shirt. Watch me
whine. Watch me call him Jerkules. I can’t take it.
This must stop. The sound you hear now is the sound
of muscles being poured down the drain.

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